Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lately of my Life 26/04/2010

This semester will over soon and the final exam is coming soon ==
Time pass though that fast, hope everything will be fine =P
What am i doin previously? Lets use picture to describe everything !!So many movie ticket ya? unfortunately it is just a small part of it OMG... i edi watch so many movie edi.. addicted? I think so.. hahah..
Shopping? yaya.. bought this CROC slipper.. nice design? lalaal hahaha .. quit comfortable =)Cheers please !! One of my fren bought this and we try it together !! Hoegaarden !! Nice try !!

There is much more to describe and upload and upload and i lazy upload the rest photo =P
Lastly, good luck and all the best to my beloved frens !! Examination lalala =)
